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What does PLC stand for in education?

What does PLC stand for in education?

What does PLC stand for in education?

What does PLC stand for in education?

PLC stands for professional learning communities. PLC has been introduced to improvise the teaching and learning experience. Apart from the general study pattern, it is the way to provide a better understanding of one’s education.

The main objective of the Professional learning communities (PLC) is to promote and support the implementation of better educational practices in schools. It is to improve competency in linguistic communication. In which teachers from different areas and subjects participate.

Students and society need a high level of competence in linguistic communication to meet the challenges of the future. It provides personal development, employment, mobility, and participation in face-to-face and virtual social networks, etc.

The educational system is the main guarantor of the socialization of students. It is therefore a source for the development of their basic skills. Educational centers have become spaces for growth and comprehensive training. It is through the concretion of the curriculum and the selection of the most appropriate methodological strategies. The action of the teaching staff and the interaction between the students themselves. It is evaluation and reflection on one’s learning.

After discussing, what does PLC stand for in education? this article aims to provide more information about PLC, professional learning communities.

How will a PLC at school benefit learners?

The development of competence in linguistic communication is one of the specific objectives of the strategic framework. Education and training emphasize the need to strengthen language skills. It is to promote quality education and training. To carry out actions that enable citizens to communicate in two languages. ​In addition to their mother tongue, to promote the teaching of languages ​​in vocational and permanent education. And also training and to train people.

The main way for educational centers to promote the development of competence in linguistic. Communication is the design and development of PLC.

The coordinated action of all the agents involved in education is the best guarantor of a broad development of this competence. It is under the challenges that arise in a globalized and multilingual world.

“The PLC, in this sense, collects the concerns, needs, agreements, and decisions. All are adopted by each center to adequately promote the learning of its students.

We understand that the professional learning communities work for the reformation of Educational institutes. In which the regulation of communicative linguistic is included.

It is easy to understand in the context of multilingual and multicultural communities. The need for centers to equip themselves with a management instrument that decisively contributes to joint and harmonizing action in the use and teaching of languages ​​and different languages. At the same time, it is undeniable that a coherent project will provide important advantages for the development of students’ skills.

Not only it will enhance their cognitive development, but also it will be the source of new ideas and progressive strategies for the country.

Educational implementation of projects

For several years, the educational administration has promoted various initiatives to facilitate schools. Educational implementation of projects that enhance the verbal communication of their students. It emphasizes and focuses on the development of the professional learning communities (PLC).

In the last few academic years, the Ministry of Education has become more thoughtful about the Culture and Sports events. To bring a good change to society, a training and advisory proposal has also been introduced. That allows accompanying those centers that carry out actions related to PLC. Also, they have a significant number of teachers in their faculty who have participated in training activities in recent years related to them.

The PLC is a space for coordinating plans that promote development. Their aim for development includes; bilingualism, school library, reading programs, teaching the language, and more.

Strategies for all students

PLC is the source to develop formative assessment tools and strategies for all students. They are related to the methodology that counts indicators of evaluation of learning competence, expression, comprehension, and reading.

It establishes the general lines of programming for each area and stage. It follows an evaluation and methodology section. That describes in a real way of improving students’ capability.

Redesign common indicators to evaluate linguistic competence from all areas. Establishing the weighting for each one of them and creating awareness in the student of their importance. They strive to achieve a positive progression in their learning integration. It has a transversal way and skills such as learning or personal autonomy in the design of this project.

Establish communication channels to the educational community of all our educational projects and specifically the linguistic one.

In addition to the evaluation by subjects, the evaluation process that the school follows is the well-known “evaluation by competencies”.

We try to monitor the development of students’ learning processes. We take into account the different capacities that they are acquiring and the way they are indulged in them. However, not only the students are evaluated, but also the teachers. In this specific case, the relationship of the use of PLC we have different resources which are helpful in educational development and progress.

Now you have enough clarity about, what does PLC stand for in education? Its objectives and benefits. Let’s discuss the five components of the professional learning community.

What are the five components of the professional learning community?

  1. Focusing specifically on educational processes, we must highlight the various uses or benefits that PLC provide us. Our educational institutes consider its need as essential.
  2. They can act as a means of expression and creation.
  3. They can constitute communication channels.
  4. They can be used as instruments to process information.
  5. At the level of schools, they can contribute to optimizing their organization and management processes.

They function as interactive resources for learning and leisure. These are some of the benefits of PLC within the educational field. Although for the proper functioning and correct adaptation of the teaching-learning processes. Some concessions are required in the centers particularly in this one.

Greater and better availability of resources in order to promote the use and inclusion of PLC in lower grades/classes. The students of third cycle are the most aware and adapted to these methodologies. But simply because they have the skills to enjoy of the benefits that PLC bring to them. And because there is not much material adapted for lower grades or physical resources.

It is necessary to bet on the continuous training of teachers. So that new methodological models can be implemented in which it is included as a key element. We must take into account all the aspects that condition the success of the process.

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