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Engineering Fields after FSC Pre-Medical

Engineering Fields after FSC Pre-Medical

FSC Pre-Medical is an intermediate program that emanates after matriculation. The word FSC means Faculty of Sciences. It is a two-year pre-medical degree offered practically in all colleges. Students who choose to study science subjects specifically Biology in matric, have the option to take admission in this program. Mostly goal-oriented people who wish to become a doctor or engineer, choose this type of study. Pre-medical students get to learn all basic aspects related to their field. It is the first stage for getting a doctorate education. After this program many students do change their minds and switch to engineering fields. Most common reason of taking this step is that parents pressurize their children to become a doctor but sooner or later they realize that it does not work for them. However, FSC students have the liberty to switch to any other program and degree in further bachelor studies. Eligibility criteria can be different in colleges and universities. Details of Engineering Fields after FSC Pre-Medical here.

Many engineering fields are associated with medical studies. For example,

• BS Bio-Medical Engineering
• BS Food Engineering
• BS Biotechnology
• BS Food Science and Technology consists of both type of studies

Students who want to study purely an engineering field may choose the following.

• Aeronautical Engineering
• Chemical Engineering
• Civil Engineering
• Electrical Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering
• Engineering Management
• Petroleum Engineering
• Industrial Engineering
• Automotive Engineering
• Architecture Engineering
• Computer Engineer
• Environmental Engineering
• Agricultural Engineering
• Mining Engineering

Below you will find the details of these engineering fields.

Bio-Medical Engineering:

Biomedical Engineering is an extensively interdisciplinary field that consists of both the science and technology of engineering mixture. It implicates the link with biology, medicine, and biotechnology in execution. The course of this program contains the broader substance of engineering, mathematics, biology, physics and chemistry. Students who are confused between medical and engineering fields, can opt this program for bachelor studies.

Food Engineering:

This type of engineering involves, selection, processing, preservation and packing of food products evaluated on the basis of food related biology, chemistry, and engineering rules Food safety and quality measures are ensured through food technology systems.


Biotechnology means the technology that is applied to biology to execute and practice the necessary scientific principles, concepts, and techniques in biotechnology. This type of technology plays an important role as its application to molecular biology, genetics is an essential part of the field. It operates and utilizes bio molecular methods to develop products and technologies that are explicitly helpful in improving life and nature.

Food Science and Technology:

It is based on the technologies applied to food preservations. It is again an interdisciplinary program that combines food study with technologies. Food Science and Technology covers all processing methods after the food is harvested. Converting the raw and solid food materials into refined, nutritious, and healthy food with an advancement to last for long. Almost same food development technologies are practiced in all multinational companies.

Aeronautical Engineering:

This type of study relates to the technical handling and building of aircraft systems.
Aeronautical engineers work with aircraft teams. Their duties are to ensure the prime design of aircraft, cross check the stability of material used during the work and verify all dynamics of its performance prior to fly. This all process includes theoretical, technological and practical trainings and experiments to ensure the sleek enactment of the project within the space. This type of study and profession is popular among young students.

Chemical Engineering:

People with analytical mind-set choose this engineering field. This study combines the experimental sciences with life sciences. it includes the use of chemical and biological processes to create required chemical materials. Students get to study, chemistry, physics, biology, microbiology, biochemistry, mathematics and economics in this field’s education.

Civil Engineering:

This field is all about the infrastructure projects either on a huge level or small. Development of roads, water supply networks, transport systems and building designs are part of this type of education and profession. Students get to learn the detailed techniques, do’s and don’ts while generating the design, and all constructive technical knowledge that help them to understand the material science and statistical analysis. In this way one can follow the right mechanism for development.

Electrical Engineering:

This type of study focuses more on the electrical power supplier products. Either it is primarily focused on larger scaled electrical projects or just small circuits and suppliers. It includes a deep down knowledge of wires, supplying lines, and all type of connections. Stability of power and the product is necessarily measured to ensure the safety. An individual learns to operate the electronic devices and systems and all technological developments.

Mechanical Engineering:

Manufacturing, maintaining, designing and analytically observing the mechanical devices is all what it takes to be a mechanical engineer. Students also study the statistics and dynamics technically. Manual and automatic, all types of mechanical devices are included in this field. One can learn to improve the mechanical technologies with their skills.

Engineering Management:

Engineering Management is the multi-dimensional field. All types of engineering professions evolve around this one arena. It is a joint management of all engineering professions and businesses. Students learn the core rules of managing any project by ensuring the conduct of right procedures, accurate division and use of authentic materials. It is a combination of industrial engineering skills and business expertise. In this field, one’s engineering techniques are applied within different types of organizational structures by using the technical knowledge at a business level development.

Petroleum Engineering:

It mainly deals with the petroleum products in terms of its extraction from beneath the earth, developing new methods and technologies that are effective in fast extraction of oil and gas without any problematic arousal. It is the responsibility of a petroleum engineer to maintain and improve the oil resources with new technologies. They play a significant role in finding the earth’s underneath location for oil and gas.

Industrial Engineering:

Industrial engineers primarily work for private companies’ manufactures. This field implicates with the study to improve one’s consultation skills, techniques to increase production and sale rate, reduce and control extra spending and keep a technical check on company’s manufactures and in-house processes to make it more efficient.

Automotive Engineering:

Automotive means the study of vehicles in general. This type of engineers generally contributes a significant part to in developing, designing, and manufacturing the automobile (a machine with an engine) and other vehicle parts. This automotive industry has become broader as it requires the engineer’s performance in mechanical, electrical and management part of the production. An automotive engineer studies all aspects of a vehicle including minor details.

Architectural Engineering:

Architectures and building structures involve a good amount of science and technology in creation of the actual and unique designs for the realm. In this field students get to know the detailed techniques to enhance the standards of living by designing the building systems in terms of stable structures, mechanics, electronics, lighting and fire protections. This can also help to improve one’s living style in such appropriate manner.

Computer Engineer:

Computer engineering is associated with the design and structure of a computer’s hardware and software. This study also unifies electrical engineering with computer science. One who understands the handling of electronic hardware can easily deal with computer’s hardware system. Through this field, student also get to know the computer science techniques and uses. One learns to operate computers at a physical level and experience to introduce and advanced computer technologies.

Environmental Engineering:

It is one of the most popular types of engineering degrees. It involves the study of science and engineering to improve our environmental conditions. Environmental engineering includes the study about air we breathe in, the food we consume, and water we intake . It also implicates the environmental impact on humans life. Deployment of advanced technical processes that can help to eliminate pollution to improve and purify the air.

Agricultural Engineering:

Agricultural engineering education includes the area of farming in general. Soil conservation and salinity, ground preparation, farm machinery design and production helps to develop more effective harvest techniques. Engineers mainly deal in the consulting capacity for machines’ design and production.

Mining Engineering:

Mining again is associated with the extraction of quarried assets from the earth. All the mined resources are taken out from the earth very carefully ensuring the economic and environmental safety measures. This type of engineers are involved in the very tough mining industry. Areas of mining engineering include; machinery production and design, mine design, and mine construction. They work harder to discover the most effective extraction techniques methods that can be employed on site of work effectively.

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