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What is General Education?

What is general education:

What is General Education?

What is General Education? The word education finds its origins in Latin, specifically from the Latin word education. It was originally meant to raise and to create. But we can focus on the meaning of education only. It is the source of promoting development of the intellect and transmitting knowledge.

It turns the learner indulge into an active subject during the process. At this point, education differs from teaching. Since one consists of an active process for the educated. In which learning is achieved, and the other results in a passive development of the subject.

General education is considered of great importance in all societies. It is very common for a person to receive it intensely in middle years of his life. It does not mean that he cannot be educated throughout his whole life. It is a process by which basic concepts are learned and is generally taught in school and family settings.

General education is a set of subjects through which you will receive comprehensive training in a wide variety of disciplines. General education courses are often introductory. They are designed to provide you with foundational knowledge education through subjects. The subjects include English, Mathematics, Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Physical and Biological sciences.

As a lower division (freshman / sophomore) student at community education. You will need to complete most of the General education courses required to receive a bachelor’s degree. After transferring to the upper-division (junior / senior year [junior/senior]) at a university. You will be required to take only a few general education subjects so that you can focus on your career.

Characteristics of general education:

General education is characterized by being:

  • A right of every person.
  • A social process, that is, outside the social sphere, no one can acquire education.
  • An ongoing instructional process.
  • A discipline that transmits the values ​​and accumulated knowledge of a society.
  • A guide in the learning process that stimulates the development of skills and affects a student’s behavior.
  • Formal, informal, face-to-face, or remotely, among other ways.
  • Former of the student’s attitude.
  • An instrument of subsistence of the human being, from the social, emotional, and labor aspects.

What is the Purpose of general education?

General education provides students with extensive exposure. It is the source to learn new things and apply them in daily routine matters. This type of education lays the foundation for people to prosper and adopt successful behaviors.

General education system:

So, what is general education and its system? In the General Education System, everything related to the development of General Studies is planned and organized. It may also include, Humanities, National Reality Seminars, and Theatres.

Students can go to the offices and request for information related to the courses and the respective teachers.

Why is general education important to your growth as a student?

Education refers to the process of learning and socialization that human beings carry out throughout their lives.

In this sense, education is a fundamental factor both for people and for society in general. On the one hand, because it determines behaviors.

This leads to highlighting the importance of education in all senses. It implements public policies that seek its access. Since a society made up of literate and educated citizens can ensure a better economic, political, social, and cultural future.

Likewise, education has tried to adapt to new technological advances. That have made it possible to create new tools and study methods to make it an interactive, practical, and even self-learning process.

Technology has been key in this development. Because it has enabled access to information, cultural exchange, among others. Technology has made education a more efficient process.

At present, the quality is valued more than the quantity of knowledge. The importance of education is such that national and international organizations establish work agendas. In which the various aspects related to this issue are addressed. It is to seek and improve the foundations of education and its social impact.

In other words, education needs to offer the right tools and mechanisms for people to learn, to do, to live in society. Also to be able to demand more of themselves, being aware of their capacities and limitations.

Within the framework of education, various objectives have been proposed. They may vary depending on the approach under which they are determined.

Here are some of the most important goals and point wise description of what is general education:

  • Ensure the comprehensive training of individuals.
  • Encourage logical and critical reasoning from an early age.
  • Promote research in all areas of human development.
  • Encourage creativity and other skills that each person has, for example, artistic or sports.
  • Ensure the formulation of policies that emphasize the need for access to education for all citizens equally.
  • Promote inclusion.
  • Encourage communication, the exchange of opinions and ideas, and the use of various communication channels.
  • Educate in family, social, human, ethical, and moral values, among others.
  • Strengthen social and cultural integration.
  • Promote the correct use and application of new technologies.
  • Address the inequalities or deficiencies that students may present. For example, psychological, family, nutritional, among others.
  • Ensure better and greater opportunities for employment and individual development.
  • Consolidate cultural identity.
  • Ensure sustainable development that guarantees the permanence of natural resources and care for the environment.

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What is Formal Education?

What is formal education?

What is Formal Education?

What is Formal Education? Education is the process that is carried out to instruct and train a person. Formal, on the other hand, is what has formality. That is, with a mode of development or execution that adjusts to certain requirements or parameters.

The idea of ​​formal education refers to the integral process that begins with initial education or primary education. It goes through secondary education and reaches higher education.

Usually, a certain workload is specified that students must take to be in a position to take the corresponding exams.

It can be said that formal education is that given in establishments approved by state authorities and organized in regular school cycles.

Non-formal education, on the other hand, is not tied to rules or planning. In general, it offers greater freedom to the student. It does not award degrees or awards diplomas that are not officialized by the State.

What is the meaning of formal education?

This means that formal education always takes place in a specific space and time. There is a start and end date for the course. In this sense, the planning of each center when dosing the contents is essential. So within formal education, we can encompass all the type of education that is transmitted in an educational center.

The advantage of formal education is that it involves carrying out a program according to a calendar. Therefore, the center chooses the educational topics that are going to be taught to the students. They adjust to certain dates. This requires responsibility and seriousness when teaching the course. Since there are established dates on which objectives must be met.

All the contents that are taught in the center require supervision. Planning is something that requires a lot of time and care. Discipline is also essential so that the program can develop as planned. The disadvantage of this aspect is the lack of attention of many children in the classrooms. That can impair the development of the classes. Also a cut in the calendar unexpectedly due to other circumstances such as an absence from work of the teacher who teaches the subject.

What is non-formal education?

Education can be defined as the two-way process through which knowledge, values, customs, and ways of acting are transmitted. The result of this process is also called education. It is materialized in the series of skills, knowledge, attitudes, and values ​​acquired. Generally, when we talk about education, the first thing we think about is school.

Education has been limited to schooling. And unfortunately, we discard or downplay other practices, spaces, and social settings. That are just as or more important for the formation of people.

People, as members of society, learn the keys to their culture. They not only learn it in school but in a cluster of spaces, processes, institutions, personal relationships. Learning methods may also include receiving messages and proposals, developing codes, and interpreting social norms. That include not only knowledge as such, but beliefs, values, knowledge, skills, aptitudes, and feelings.

The non-formal education is no less important than the school in the formation of the subjects. Non-formal education is important because it integrates what the school takes or never gets to incorporate into its programs.

Informal education:

Non-formal learning is intentional from the learner’s perspective. Non-formal education occurs in those contexts in which an educational intention and planning of teaching-learning experiences take place. These occur outside the scope of compulsory schooling.

What is formal education with examples?

Formal education is a concept that is used to define the entire training and learning process. It is imparted by the official educational establishments of society. This includes schools, colleges, institutes, and universities, among other educational centers.

This training is carried out in a methodical and planned way. It allows access to different degrees or certificates. These are recognized by the State. In general, the training process begins with preschool. It continues with initial or primary education. It lasts through secondary school, and ends with university or higher education.

Normally, formal education follows a program that is designed by a state or a private institute. In that, the foundations and training goals to be achieved are set.

To do this, students must attend classes taught by teachers and professors. They take certain subjects, meet a certain time load in educational establishments and take exams.

It is also distinguished from non-formal education. That has planning and organization but is developed outside the space of compulsory schooling.

Why formal education is important?

In the field of education policy, a frequent distinction is made between formal, informal, and non-formal learning or education. The difference between these categories, and especially between the last two informal and non-formal, is not always clear and confusing.

Formal education: It involves the learning normally offered by an education or training center. It comes with a structured nature according to moral objectives, duration, or support. It concludes with a certification. Formal learning is intentional from the learner’s perspective.

Formal education:

After discussing, what is formal education, here we will discuss its importance.

It is that area of ​​education that is intentional, planned, and regulated. This is the entire educational offer known as compulsory schooling. It is functioned from the first year of early childhood education till the end of secondary education.

It is the education that is transmitted in recognized institutions. Especially the school in its many variants, responds to an established programme. It is usually controlled by the Government or other institutions. It has different degrees of obligation according to the educational system of each country.

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What is Compulsory Education?

What is Compulsory Education?

What is compulsory education?

What is Compulsory Education?

Since we are born we are all educated. We are all led to think or do certain things. Like it or not, education is inevitable. That is why the claim that it is also mandatory is surprising. Unless the obligation does not consist in educating oneself but in doing it in a certain way.

There are almost as many definitions of education as pedagogues who dare to define it. But many of them agree that it is a conscious and systematic intervention on people to develop their potential and guide their behavior.

Education has two aspects:

Education, therefore, has two aspects. A personal aspect, and a social aspect. Through the first, it is tried that each one learns what suits him best and is in harmony with his singularity. While the second one seeks that what he has learned is what society is interested in. The different styles or ways of educating differ in the priority given to one thing or the other.

Schooling, for example, is a style of education that focuses on the social. It is the official and regulated way that current communities have of transmitting and perpetuating the knowledge, behaviors, attitudes, and values ​​that sustain them. Although the school is a recent invention in the history of mankind, as are childhood and adolescence, as we understand them now.

Until relatively a few years ago, schools were not the majority form of education. Those who had the privilege of acquiring knowledge. That was not strictly necessary for the survival or learning of a trade learned guided by tutors or within a monastic community, not necessarily religious.

The Universities or their equivalents were communities of students and teachers with a conception and operation. It was similar to that of the other medieval guilds. The trade that was learned and protected in them was the trade of studying.

All this changed with two revolutions and two ideologies. That became simultaneous and in a way complementary. The Enlightenment, Mechanism, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution.

Those who held power, be it political or economic, found in the school the most effective tool for the training of subjects or citizens to measure. It is in this context that the idea of ​​compulsory education, of a certain type of education, begins to take shape.

An obligation, that of mass schooling, which is now conceived as a right and a social achievement. The right to integrate into the current educational model having the same opportunities as others.

But the facts show that the opportunities are not the same. Even if they are, the model does not work for everyone equally. Because the way of being educated to which one is entitled in our country produces 23.5% of early school leaving. So that almost a quarter of young people between 18 and 24 years old leave their studies as soon as they can. They take this decision with or without a professional degree.

Many would say that they do not want to make the effort to continue studying. But it could also be said that they do not want to be further educated. Or at least they are educated that way. And both the rejection and the lack of effort. That are possibly inseparable, have been brewing for a long time, from the first years of the school experience.

We are also talking about extreme cases. Because the problem is more evident if we take into account the repeaters. That 40% of students who at 15 years of age are a year or more behind the established parameters. And it is even more evident when we consider the continuous growth of disruptive behavior. when it does not overtly sabotage or challenge.

It seems clear that in the face of the compulsory nature of this type of education. And possibly any other, there is resistance. That can only be overcome when what is now conceived as compulsory becomes considered a responsibility. The one that each one has to learn and facilitate the learning of others.

Meanwhile, if it is still considered that it is necessary for everyone to learn a minimum. That personally and socially is needed. It should be more flexible both in the minimum itself and in the way to achieve it. Because what has not been achieved in school may be achieved outside of it. With fewer people and in other spaces.

If what we are looking for is that every person is educated. More than minimums we should be talking about maximums, of all the potentials that each human being could develop. That is where responsibility lies. If the educator and the educator were aware of this. They knew that this potential is being developed. The obligation would not be necessary.

For this communication to take place, the relationship between the one who wants to learn and those who promote it must be personal. That is not excessively governed by external regulations but is based on commitments. We are talking, therefore, of a tutorial educational system.

This is the challenge: replacing or modifying the school system by another broader system, in which the classrooms would not be excluded. However, neither would they be the centerpiece, in which educators would be less responsible for a specific subject and more than some students in particular. A system in which communities were so intertwined with their schools that it was difficult to pinpoint where some ended and where others began.

Why is compulsory education important?

This importance requires significant expenses from the Public Administration. It is not only important that all children in the country have a guaranteed school place. But also that teachers can count on the moral and human resources to be able to serve each child according to their profile of educational needs.

In recent years, important advances have been made in the public education systems. But although politicians’ speeches give importance to education. There their desire to improve is seen is in budget items. As a country, we still cannot believe the importance of compulsory education for our future. Otherwise, we would look at compulsory education with more interest and intensity.

What is the purpose of compulsory education?

What is compulsory education and its purpose? Education is the best source to bring change to the world. Nothing can transform a person’s life like education. Inspire confidence and give people a voice. In addition to its obvious benefits for a fuller and better life. Education can contribute to the betterment of society as a whole. It can build a society in which people are aware of their rights and duties.

We think that education should influence the integral development of the person. And for this, as we pointed out in the report “Education at the center”. It is necessary to overcome more instrumental or economistic conceptions of education.

A report was made as proposal based on the four pillars of learning. Learning to learn, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together. Also it offered a basis for the debate on which choices should be made and perform in policy formulation.

These pillars must be understood as a whole and not as individual components aimed at feeding different educational strategies. It would not be appropriate. For example, to develop cognitive competencies disconnected from the ethical and social values ​​that guide the construction of more just societies.

This vision is closely aligned with the moral and intellectual principles that support the idea of ​​education as freedom. Who, in her model of education for democratic citizenship, points out three essential capacities that should be acquired through education. Thought critical ability to critically examine one’s self and one’s traditions.

Also global citizenship, the ability not only to perceive themselves as citizens of some local sphere but also as human beings united to others by bonds of recognition and correspondence. And creative understanding, thinking about what it might be like to be in a different person’s shoes.

In today’s world, these approaches are still fully valid. Societies face intractable questions about the future and sustainability of the planet. The innovative responses that individuals or groups can give to these changes and challenges. It will depend in part on their knowledge and capacities to understand the problems they face and to propose and implement lasting solutions from the recognition of common destiny. Also the commitment to social justice. Education plays a central role in this process.

Strengthening in the children, youth, and adults of today and tomorrow this sense of belonging to a global community, of shared citizenship, willingness to assume collective responsibilities to address the complexities and controversies of a common destiny, should constitute the most relevant purpose of The education.

What is compulsory education with advantages:

This gives the students a basic and most important exposure. It works like the foundation for them. It can also be anticipated below (3-6) or extended above. With the inclusion of Baccalaureate and Vocational Training.

The Institute, within the framework of the public school, not only articulates levels but also projects, cultures, dynamics and personal itineraries, and life projects. Its potential lies in three closely interrelated areas: the student body, the educational project of the center, and the teaching staff.

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How is a Federal Loan Different from a Private Loan for an Education?

How is a Federal Loan Different from a Private Loan for an Education?

How is a federal loan different from a private loan for an education?

Federal student loans are governed by governmental department of Education guidelines. These are typically offered at lower, fixed rates than private loans. However, in federal loans, unlike private ones, there are limits on the amount to be financed. It may be insufficient to cover all the costs of your studies.

Private loans help students cover the difference between what it costs to study. The amount may be obtained through federal loans, pensions, and scholarships.

Both private and federal loans normally allow students to defer the payment of principal and interest while they continue studying. Some offer the option of the moratorium on payments once the student completes their studies. Unlike federal loan programs, private lenders evaluate a person’s credit history and collateral before making the loan.

Knowing which way to go to finance your education.

How to choose to finance your education is a critical decision. The same is true if you are helping your children. The right choices set you up for success. On the other hand, wrong decisions can put you in a bind for decades to come.

There is also a big difference in how you get federal loan help versus private loans. Plus, the damage it can do to your financial outlook if you do not pay. So if you are lagging, it is important to know what loans you have so that you can find the right way to move forward.

Fact: Interest rates for federal student loans are now set according to the 10-year Treasury Bond ratio, plus 2 percent.

Are your loans through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?

The only really easy way to know if your loans are federal or private is whether or not they originated from a FAFSA application. When planning for the future about college or attending college. You complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

When you apply, the government can provide you with various types of assistance. It may include on-campus work programs, grants, and government-backed student loans. So any of the loans that come out of that application are federal loans.

On the other hand, if your loan is originated by a private financial institution such as your bank, a corporate lender, or a private financial institution, then it is a private student loan.

What are the differences between private and federal loans?

So the question, how is a federal loan different from a private loan for an education? will be more clear and elaborated in this section.

Besides the origin of the loans, some key differences are important to know:

Federal student loan applications do not include a credit check, however, in the private ones yes.

Interest rates on federal loans are set by Congress. While interest rates on private student loans are set based on your credit score.

Federal student loans can be effectively (and affordably) consolidated through the most advertised student loan consolidation programs. While private loans require a different solution if you need debt relief.

Parents can also co-sign (co-allocate) federal student loans. Parents can assume 100% responsibility for federal student loan debt on behalf of a child.

Know when each type of loan is best:

So what is the best loan to get, and when should you take out each type of loan if you want to avoid problems in the future?

In most cases, the answer would be in favor of federal student loans. This is especially true for students who have just graduated from high school. Most young people will not have the credit score necessary to qualify for low-interest private student loans. The interest rates that congress offers on federal loans, are almost always lower than what you can qualify for a private loan.

With that, let’s say you didn’t just get out of high school. Instead, he has been in his career for 15 years and simply wants to return for his master’s degree. You have near-perfect credit. You own a home that is pretty much paid off. And you will be working full time at your current pay level. While you go to school part-time. In this case, you can easily finance your education through a private student loan. Or you can get a mix.

But again, in most cases, the best option is almost always to apply first for a FAFSA application. If you need more money and the FAFSA doesn’t cover it. Consider your finances carefully. Also, decide if using additional private loans is the right option for your situation.

Fact: You will need your FAFSA PIN if you want to consolidate. Always have that number handy.

What happens when you decide to consolidate?

Private student loans and federal student loans cannot be consolidated together. All of the solutions mentioned in the Student Loan Assistance section of this website are geared toward federal student loans.

That does not mean that you will be trapped if you have private loans that are causing you problems. Just use different programs specifically designed for private loan debt relief. Or speak directly with the lender to come up with a payment plan that works for your budget.

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What is Montessori Education?

What is Montessori Education?

What is Montessori education?

Montessori education was created at the beginning of the 20th century to be put into practice with children. It was specially designed for those who had certain difficulties in acquiring curricular learning.

This educational style aims to promote the natural development of students’ skills. It enhances their abilities through self-direction, exploration, discovery, practice, collaboration, play, deep concentration, imagination, or communication.

What is the Montessori method of teaching?

The Montessori teaching method:

The Montessori method is characterized by providing a prepared environment. The one that is ordered, aesthetic, simple, and real. It is where each element has its reason for being in the development of children.

Children work with scientifically designed concrete materials that provide the keys to exploring the world and developing basic cognitive skills.

The adult is an observer and a guide; helps and encourages the child in all his endeavors. It allows you to act, wants, and think for yourself. It helps you to develop confidence and inner discipline.

Montessori education covers all educational periods from birth to age 18 providing an integrated curriculum.

The Montessori environment:

The Montessori environment is a spacious and open place. It is orderly, aesthetic, simple, and real. There each element has its reason for being in the child’s development. The environment is provided tailored to the children.

There are low shelves and different sizes of tables and chairs where children sit individually or in groups. Each child uses the material they choose by taking it off the shelf and putting it back so it can be used by others.

The integrated rooms favor spontaneous cooperation, the desire to learn, mutual respect, and the deep incorporation of knowledge through the exercise of teaching others.

The development of the child arises from the need to adapt to his environment. The child needs to make sense of the world around him and builds himself with that world.

Montessori teachers observed that the child passes from infancy to adulthood through 4 evolutionary periods are called “Planes of development”. Each period presents radically different characteristics from the others.

But constitutes the foundations of the succeeding period. Thus “as the caterpillar and the butterfly are very different in their appearance and their manifestations. Yet the beauty of the butterfly is a consequence of its life in the state of a caterpillar. It cannot come from the imitation of the example of another butterfly. To build the future, it is necessary to watch over the present.

The first phase of development begins with birth to age 6, is characterized by the child’s absorbing mind. It takes or absorbs all aspects, good and bad, of the surrounding environment, language and culture.

In the background, from 6 to 12 years old, the child has a reasoning mind, to explore the world with his imagination and abstract thinking. In the third plane, from 12 to 18 years old, the adolescent has a humanistic mind eager to understand humanity and the contribution that he can make to society. In the last plane of development, from 18 to 24 years old, the adult explores the world with a specialist mind, appropriating his place in it.

Concrete materials:

The Montessori materials were scientifically designed in an experimental context within the classroom. Its purpose was to pay special attention to the interest of children according to their developmental stage. Also with the conviction that the manipulation of concrete objects helps the development of knowledge and abstract thinking.

They allow repetition, which promotes concentration. They have the quality of isolating difficulties. That is, each one introduces a single variable, a single new concept, isolating it and leaving the other concepts unchanged.

The materials have error control. It is the same material that you will show the child if they used it correctly. In this way, children know that error is part of the learning process. They manage to establish a positive attitude towards it. They take responsibility for their learning and develop self-confidence.

The Montessori teacher, called a guide, observes each child, his needs, abilities, and interests and offers him opportunities for intelligent work. It is with a specific purpose in the service of caring for himself and the small community that is the classroom.

The Montessori guide does not impart rewards or punishments, satisfaction is internal and arises from the child’s work.

When the child, according to his evolutionary development, is ready for a lesson, the guide introduces the use of new materials and presents activities individually or in small groups. In the later years, each child makes a list of goals at the beginning of the week.

Then they manage his time during the week to meet them. It is not the guide but the child himself who is responsible for his learning and development.

Here an explanation of the Montessori Curriculum will justify the question, what is Montessori education.

From birth to 3 years:

During the first three years of a child’s life, the foundations for their future development are laid. During which it realizes in the psychological sphere what the embryo has already done in the physical sphere.

This process is achieved, thanks to the “absorbing mind” of the child that incorporates experiences, relationships, emotions, images, language, culture, through their senses. Also by the simple fact of living.

These life experiences shape your brain. Form neural networks that have the potential to stay with the person their entire life. At this stage from birth to 3 years, Montessori education focuses on the development of speech, coordinated movement, and independence. It gives the child self-confidence.

What are the five principles of the Montessori method?

Montessori method principles:

We understand Montessori education as a lifestyle, a style of being, and of walking towards childhood. A way of acting based on respect, trust, and love towards children and their potentialities. For the entire Montessori team, our educational work is based on the following pillars:

We understand learning as the achievement of experiences developed and acquired in the environment through the implementation of the senses.

The first six years of life are the most important for the development of man, specifically the first three, therefore, we intend to accompany the education of children from birth.

As the main objective of education we understand the development of human potentialities. The development of innate psychic powers in the human being.

  • We take into account that all children, from their birth, have an innate potential destined to consolidate knowledge.
  • For this, their environment and the stimuli that are provided have to be as enriching as possible.
  • Therefore, for us, the child is not an empty being who owes us everything he knows.
  • We are not knowledge builders but construction collaborators.

The Montessori method’s main notion is to focus on the learning of the child. Respect for the natural development of each individual is promoted. Working integrally all their aptitudes with the help of the environment that surrounds them.

The study becomes something more individualized. Each one creates their learning based on tastes and skills. It is varying from traditional methods that standardize education. The role of teachers is to provide the necessary tools for learning, creating a suitable environment for learning.

In this article, you can see the 5 basic principles of the Montessori summarized method. These will explain more explicitly the question, what is Montessori education.

Principles of the Montessori method are explained below:

1) Respect for children:

Teachers must show respect for children. When the child makes decisions for himself, he develops skills that will contribute to his autonomy and self-esteem. The child is capable of knowing without the help of the adult. This is a principle that the adult must be very clear about.

2) The absorbing mind of the child:

Teachers believe that children can educate themselves. The child learns just by living. For this reason, he can learn everything from his environment. Children were born to learn. They are learning systems because they are thoughtful.

Montessori level compares the child to a sponge that absorbs everything. It has the uniqueness that makes the child’s capacity unlimited. For these reasons, the first period of human development is understood to be the most important.

3) Sensitive classes:

One of the main roles of the teacher is to observe and detect the moments where there is more sensitivity to make the most of the child’s potential. They are the best guid and trainer within the class.

4) The prepared environment:

It refers to an environment that has been carefully organized for the child. It has been designed to encourage self-learning and growth. In this, the social, emotional, and intellectual aspects are developed and they respond to the needs of order and security. The characteristics of this prepared environment allow the child to develop without the constant assistance and supervision of an adult.

5) The Role of the Adult:

The role of the adult in Montessori Philosophy is to guide the child and introduce him to the environment respectfully and lovingly.

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How Does Socioeconomic Status Affect Education?

How Does Socioeconomic Status Affect Education?

What is the economic status?

What is the economic status? In this way, the concept of economic status refers to the position that a person occupies in society. It is concerning others according to their income, education, and employment. In addition, three classes or levels of wealth emerge from these positions. Those are; low or poor class, middle class or working class, and upper class or rich. That does not depend on the social sector of the economy.

When talking about economic status, reference is made to the position occupied by a person or agent in society or social group. In economics, this position is analyzed taking into account key economic variables. Thus emerging economic or socioeconomic status.

Income includes salaries, rents, interests, dividends, subsidies among others. The unearned income of the wealthy or upper class tends to have a larger share of total income than the other classes as they invest and save more.

Employment directly reflects the educational level and skills of the person. In addition, society classifies some jobs as more prestigious and of higher economic status. For example, Surgeons, Lawyers, Chemists, Engineers, Architects, and the like have higher status or are more appreciated and respected than Waiters, Cleaners, Cooks, Drivers, or Janitors.

In general, the least valued jobs involve lower pay, more physical effort, more occupational hazards, and require a lower educational level.

In education in general, the higher the level of education, the higher the income. People with college degrees tend to earn more than people who only completed basic education. In addition, reaching higher levels of education demonstrates a higher level of commitment, greater general knowledge, a more extensive vocabulary, and better communication skills.

Education also plays an important role in landing certain high socioeconomic status jobs. Such as a doctor or lawyer that requires college training to practice.

Socioeconomic status definition:

Socioeconomic status according to the country. This social scale or socioeconomic classification is true for the vast majority of countries in the world, especially the capitalist ones. However, the characteristics that in some countries can be considered as typical of the poor in others may be characteristics of the rich.

For example, the lower class or poor of a country. Those who have a complete basic education and a partial university, a car and a house of their own, a permanent job, etc. It would be considered as high class or rich in a country where the rich have similar characteristics.

Also, the proportions and magnitudes of these classifications vary according to the country. Note that each class is one-third of the population. For example, in the most developed countries, the population that is considered middle or upper class is much higher than those who are considered poor.

The opposite happens in poor or underdeveloped countries with a lot of inequality. Where there is a small dominant elite that makes up the upper class. A minority of the middle class and a large lower class of people without opportunities.

Finally, this classification is not static. The passage of time may vary the characteristics of each class in a country. In this way, technological or economic development can help people obtain better well-being and have social mobility, advancing their economic status. It may also be, for example, that those considered poor go from being those who did not even have enough clothes to be those who do not have a house and a car of their own.

How does socioeconomic status affect education?

Socio-economic factors affect the performance of students. Another result affirms that students with better grades come from better socioeconomic levels, receive more support from their parents, and have previously attended preschool.

The socioeconomic level of the student determines their academic performance.

Impact of poverty on education:

Poverty is a problem that more and more children in our countries face to face. The price that the children of poverty must pay is incredibly high. Every year an increasing number of children are entering schools with needs and circumstances. Such as poverty, that schools are not prepared to deal with.

The term at-risk refers to children who are prone to failure in school or life due to social circumstances in their life. It does not appear that just any factor places a child at risk. On the contrary, when more than one factor is present. There is a composition effect and the probability of failure increases significantly.

Poverty is considered the main risk factor. Some of the factors related to poverty can put a child at risk of school failure. These are; very young parents, with a very low educational level. Moreover, Unemployment; abuse and neglect, substance abuse, dangerous neighborhoods, homelessness, Mobility, and exposure to inappropriate or inappropriate educational experiences.

Being able to identify and understand children who are at risk is essential if we are to support their growth and development. To do this, warm and caring relationships need to be developed between teachers and children. This will allow teachers to detect any red flags that may put children at risk for failure, interfering with their chances of success in school and life.

Academic and behavioral problems can be indicators of impending failure. Among these behaviors. The following stand out delay in language development, delay in reading development, aggression, violence, social isolation, substance abuse, irregular attendance, and depression.

Teachers may have a difficult time reaching a student’s parents or guardians. They may also find that the student does not complete assignments, does not study for tests, or does not come to school prepared to learn because of poverty or related to circumstances in the home environment. These children may be unable to concentrate. They may be reluctant or unable to interact with their peers and/or adults at school in an effective way. These issues not only have an impact on the learning of children from poverty but can also affect the learning of other children.

The increase in the number of children living in poverty has helped make the classrooms of our nations more diverse than ever. This makes teaching and learning more difficult. This problem can remain a challenge for teachers, as opposed to becoming a problem, if the emphasis is on student learning rather than teaching.

The difference in academic achievement between children of different classes or groups (ethnic, racial, income) is known as the achievement gap. Children in poverty generally reach lower levels than middle and upper-class children. The causes are numerous and are related to the social environment in which poor children live and the education they receive at school.

Factors such as the quality of student learning behaviors, home environment, past experiences with education, and teacher attitudes are among the many factors that influence student achievement. It proposes that schools can have a strong impact on the academic performance and success of all children by seeing them as a promise and not at risk and preparing them to reach their full potential.

The content must be of high quality and be culturally relevant. A watered-down curriculum is unacceptable. Teachers must know the cultures in which their students live so that they can plan effective and engaging lessons.

Also, classroom management and teaching techniques that work well with some students do not necessarily work well with poor children. The perspective and experiences of children must be taken into account. Other things that can help close the achievement gap include motivation, parenting, and family involvement.

How to measure socioeconomic status?

The measurement of socioeconomic position is central to the analysis of the social inequities in health and requires updated instruments, adapted to a framework conceptual reference, the local context, and the characteristics of the populations.

The goal of this study is to present and discuss, in the light of international literature, the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of measuring socioeconomic position for the analysis of that exist. The objective of this study is to construct an index capable of measuring the level of socioeconomic status of the families of Primary Education students.

It was found that there is a great diversity of instruments at the individual or geographical level that allows measuring the position socioeconomic in the framework. Each substitution is developed based on a framework conceptual reference and must be adapted to the study design, to the characteristics of the population study (e.g. age), and the feasibility of data collection.

However, due to the great diversity of variables and existing conceptual frameworks. It is not possible to establish the existence of a gold standard for the measurement of applicable to all studies.

The analysis of social inequities in health has two peculiarities that locate measurement of socioeconomic position at the center of the problem. The first is that socioeconomic position (or social stratification) integrates different dimensions, related between them, who have their influence on health outcomes: education, material conditions, occupation, prestige social, relative deprivation, place of residence, among others.

Each affects health throughout life, through material conditions, psychosocial and individual behaviors.

The second particularity is the concept of social gradient: it has been shown in many countries that, on average, as the socioeconomic position of individuals, improve your health outcomes. Measuring socioeconomic should allow highlighting this ongoing relationship between and health. From this perspective, comparison between social extremes, that is between the poorest (or the richest) and the rest of the population, is reductionist and can be translated into public policies creating threshold effects.

At a global level, different ways to measure socioeconomic depending on the framework dominant conceptualization in the country and the need to adapt the measurements to the local context.

In the case of human capital, the usual way of measuring it has been through the educational level of the parents, which we have considered here for both father and mother. It has also been included in the index occupational status, which is usually a closely associated indicator both at the level of income and education. Compared to income level, it is easier to measure and less variable over time.

Regarding the number of variables used, the criterion used has been to consider a small number. Thus, the increase in cases is avoided lost, motivated by the possible non-response to questions regarding the variables involved in the construction of the index.

Does your social class determine your future?

Social class has nothing to do with the future if the person is keen to get success. Enthusiasm to achieve desired goals is the best way to make your future better. Struggling hard and never giving up attitude determines the future of people.

In terms of financial status, it can help you to avail resources without any hurdles. People with low social class get to struggle more for finances.

Socioeconomic status and child development:      

Child development starts from the most important factors. Among the latter is socioeconomic status. That can influence health and opportunities in adult life. Know and analyze the influence of socioeconomic conditions on child development. Materials and methods. The variables most used to assess socioeconomic status were family income and parental education. For child development, these are areas of cognition and gross motor skills. A significant relationship was found between child development and socioeconomic level. Schooling, parental occupation, mother’s marital status, and housing conditions, which represent a disadvantage and the probability of alteration in child development.

So, the question, How Does Socioeconomic Status Affect Education? one of its parts is, child development, which is influenced by socioeconomic conditions determined by historical-cultural aspects. Most of them are approached from functionalist sociology as isolated factors. A holistic and integrative methodological approach is proposed that gives rise to historicity as an important element.

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What is Art Education?

What is Liberal Education?

Why is Technology Important in Education?

Why is Technology Important in Education?

Why is technology important in education?

Information and Communication Technologies are already an irreplaceable and fundamental part of people’s daily lives. Today they are present in practically everything that surrounds us, from our work to our daily activities, and have become a tool that facilitates and streamlines business, educational and social processes.

The possibilities that Information technology give us are endless. Among its positive impacts are improving educational processes and facilitating recreation activities for students, managing to support learning processes.

Many current adults did not grow up with this information technology and sometimes we find it difficult to use it effectively, responsibly, and consciously. In this sense, education plays an important role regarding the proper use of the growing technological advances, and hence the importance that our children grow up educated with firm and responsible foundations regarding the use of technology.

The expert in technological tools for education, assures that incorporating technological tools in education brings benefits that promote knowledge and interaction. Also the efficiency and productivity in the classroom between teachers and our children.

According to an analysis, education can benefit from information technology in the following ways:

Collaboration. They can encourage students to express themselves and interact with other classmates in face-to-face or virtual courses, which allows them to learn interactively and without depending on being in a certain place. For academic work, it is no longer necessary for a group of students to meet personally to do it.

Time optimization. Teachers and students can reduce the time in which they carry out their activities since they can be more efficient. In the case of academics, they can spend more time on their training.

Flexibility and adaptability in learning. The more advanced students may have additional content at their disposal, and those who need reinforcement can use support materials.

Greater communication with students. Technologies have fostered communication between teachers and students through virtual subject environments.

Costs reduction. The use of new technologies in education allows cost reduction since physical material is not necessary and everything can be done through a program or app.

Immediacy. Students and teachers can find and deliver quality information quickly and efficiently in real-time.

Exploration. New technologies allow students to satisfy their interest in knowledge in areas unknown to them, providing them with new knowledge.

Indeed, students with high cultural capital are those who have the greatest capacity to acquire new knowledge and develop their skills or aptitudes. and in short, improve their education through the use of technology. However, there may also be some negative impacts related to information technology use habits that affect formal learning processes, which becomes particularly evident, for example, when students consult digital texts blindly trusting the first two or three sites thrown by the search engine.

In conclusion, technological tools can favor education and boost students’ talent if, as teachers and parents, we guide their learning. Hence the importance of all children and young people having access to ICT.

Education and learning must keep pace with technology. In an environment in which our children grow up with it, we must ensure that they do so in a responsible and, above all, scientific way, that is, that they apply the same rational logic that is applied to solving problems of real-life and consciously seek to get the best out of it to improve their environment.

The role of information technology in education:

Children of the 21st century grow up between screens without being alien to technologies such as video games, virtual reality, or augmented reality. An increasingly integrated digital universe that already complements traditional teaching methodologies.

Serious games or educational video games are open doors to a new way of understanding teaching. Although this disruption is awakening now, the truth is that there are many opportunities that video games and virtual reality can offer for education in the 21st century.

In this sense, the use of technology in education can be used to improve educational quality in both rural and urban areas of the country. In addition, it must be remembered that the quality of education is a determining factor in student performance, to the point that it can reduce the gap between different socioeconomic levels.

The implementation of information technology in education can make the necessary changes in teaching and thus ensure that it meets the demands of the knowledge society. As various studies on education point out, Information technology not only function as an input but also as an element of innovation that encourages change in school systems.

The importance of information technology management in the current context is crucial in the country’s economic performance. Increasing access to technologies is expected to increase productivity, hours worked to become more efficient, increase wages, and thereby promote economic growth and innovation.

Through the implementation of technology in education, it becomes possible to increase human capital within the country, ensuring that the workforce is increasingly qualified and competitive.

Technologies are increasingly being used within the education sector, although their adoption remains at an early stage. For example, it is used to facilitate the teacher or teachers in administrative procedures; o Increasingly, plans or the school calendar are uploaded to the platform used by the school, which contributes to parents being more informed about the education their children are receiving.

There is certainly great potential to harness information technology for teaching and learning. Incorporating information technology in education is much more than having a class where basic computer skills and some programs are taught independently.

Optimal integration of technology in the educational field suggests that it can be used as a research method to deepen learning. In addition, the incorporation of technology in the education sector should be able to encourage participation in groups, make students more active and promote an education that gradually reduces passivity in teaching and increases student-teacher interaction. -themes.

The main objective of incorporating information technology into teaching should be for students to increase their ability to analyze and solve problems, thus improving the educational quality of the countries.

The use of technology in education turns primary education into an education based on questions, different from a dynamic in which the teacher gives answers without delving into the reason for any particular knowledge.

By incorporating information technology into the classroom, students can be motivated by what they are learning and able to apply the knowledge practically. In turn, teachers can update their teaching methods by interacting with teachers from other schools and other countries, while parents become more involved in their children’s education.

There is no doubt that there is a growing need to incorporate the use of technology into educational policies. If twenty years ago having a computer in the classroom was a distinctive sign of prestige, today the use of technology in teaching is essential for students to receive an education that can help prepare them for the challenges of the future.

The incorporation of technology in education must be accompanied by new study plans, a new organization, new ways of evaluating students, and new administrative procedures, among others. However, there must be a commitment on the part of all the actors involved in education so that information technology can be incorporated successfully.

It is quite understandable that why is technology important in education, let’s dig into it and discuss the impact of information technology in education.

Impact of information technology in education:

Assessing the impact that the use of information technology has on education and how it affects student learning in schools is not an easy task. Since the appearance of the internet and new technologies, a true technological revolution has taken place in the classroom. Where before the pencil, paper and books were the main protagonists, computers, tablets, and interactive technologies are gaining more and more ground.

Advantages of the use of information technology in education according to teachers:

Advantages and disadvantages of the use of information technology in education:

Is the use of information technology in education beneficial? To a large extent yes. Of course, like everything, there are always some cons to highlight. Therefore, in this article, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of information technology in education. Do not miss it!

Use of information technology in education: pros and cons:

Children from when they are small already make contact with new technologies, through tablets, smartphones, or computers. Let’s know the advantages that this supposes and also the possible disadvantages:

Main advantages:

Access to alternative teaching materials: children can access a greater number of teaching materials, more than the classic paper books of all time.

It is loaded with less weight: using the tablet and the books in PDF form, it will not be necessary to carry the weight. Which translates into fewer back problems from a young age.

Autonomous learning: the use of information technology favors autonomous learning because children can learn ‘alone’. They simply need to turn to educational apps and games.

Personalized teaching: it is a way of opting for personalized teaching, based on each type of student. This is achieved through educational apps, to work on certain areas.

Teamwork is encouraged: children will be able to access a multitude of apps and games to work as a team and see the benefits that this entails.

Liven up the classes: through this type of learning using new technologies, classes will be more enjoyable, fun, and entertaining for students.

Communication is improved: in class, there are always shy children who have problems communicating with other children or with teachers. Through certain applications, communication improves considerably.

The disadvantages:

Investment in the purchase of equipment: Schools and colleges should make investments in equipment to promote learning using these technologies.

Possible dependence on technology: it is essential to control the time that children spend using these devices because they tend to be addictive.

It requires maintenance: it is essential to carry out certain maintenance from time to time, in updates, antivirus analysis, etc.

Teachers must have certain skills: many “old” teachers have problems coping with new technologies because they don’t know how to handle them. May be a problem.

Vision damage – Intermediate breaks are necessary when using these technologies. Otherwise, it could cause damage to the eyesight of the little ones and the use of glasses at an early age.

It is essential to take into account the pros and cons of the use of new technologies in the classroom from early childhood education. Especially in a world that is increasingly connected and in which the little ones begin to be introduced to this form of learning earlier.

Now that you know the main advantages and disadvantages of the use of information technology in education … what do you think? Do you think its use is positive or negative for the little ones?

What benefits can the incorporation of new technologies in the classroom bring?

Increased interest and motivation of the student, who dedicates more time to study and performs the task with more enthusiasm. Maintenance of constant intellectual activity since new technologies require interaction. Possibility of permanently updating the topics and contents of the textbooks by accessing the information.

Initiative and decision-making are enhanced by requiring participation development of searching abilities and information selection. Immediate learning of errors by knowing them as they occur. The exchange of ideas and group work helps the development of social skills. It favors the inclusion of students with different abilities

The digital blackboard is the star element of the incorporation of new technologies into education. A computer connected to a projector that allows all the options of the connected device to be displayed in large format (presentations by teachers and work done by students, multimedia files, browsing the web) Personal computers, electronic agendas (for administrative tasks and management of the teaching team), and an intranet that contributes to effective communication, are part of the framework of new technologies in education.

The conjunction of various means is effective in increasing learning. A person learns 10% of what he reads, 20% of what he hears, 30% of what he sees, and 50% of what he sees and hears. So the question, why is technology important in education, is pretty much answered and explained in the article.

The importance of new technologies in education is based on this combination of stimuli, interaction, and the search for new learning formats, close to leisure and entertainment, that contribute to the development of talent.

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What is Art Education?

What is Liberal Education?

What is Art Education?

What is Art Education?

What is art education?

The term art is used to refer to everything related to art, especially the fine arts.
Education is a process that allows a person to assimilate and learn knowledge. With education, the subject acquires skills and values.

Art, for its part, is the set of human creations that express a sensitive vision of the world, both real and imaginary.

Art education, therefore, is the teaching method that helps the subject channel their emotions through artistic expression. In this sense, this type of education contributes to the cultural development of man.

What is art education for?

Art education is defined as the involvement in artistic and creative activities, such as dance, theater, music, painting, or sculpture. It can be part of both the curriculum and extra-curricular activity. Participation can consist of weekly or monthly activities, or more intensive programs, such as summer schools or residencies. While these activities have educational value in their own right, this platform focuses on the benefits of arts education for academic achievement.

While later, once those first steps have been taken, work will be done so that the student can not only discover their abilities and potential. But also deepen their perception and discover how art is present in many aspects of our life.

In general, the effect of arts education on academic training appears to be positive, but low. It has been associated with progress in learning English, math, and science. Benefits have also been seen at the performance level in basic and secondary education. Although on average a greater effect has been observed in younger students and, in some cases, in disadvantaged students.

In some cases, specific artistic activities have been linked to particular results. For example, there is some evidence of a positive association between music and spatial perception and between theater and writing.

Greater benefits have also been reported in terms of attitude toward learning and well-being.

What is liberal art education? and why do we need to study it today?

Liberal art is the expression of a medieval concept. It is inherited from classical antiquity. It refers to the arts (academic disciplines, trades, or professions) cultivated by free people, as opposed to the servile arts (vile and mechanical trades) typical of the servants or slaves.

The liberal arts served as an introduction to the study of theology which was their object and to which they were subordinate. Some authors, and especially, divided their studies in the manner of the Stoics into ethics. That corresponded to physics and also aimed at theology.

A bachelor’s degree can be obtained from a university and generally takes three to five years to complete. This type of degree indicates that a student has studied general subjects such as math, science, and language. It has also achieved some specialization in its area of ​​study.

What is a Bachelor in Liberal Arts?

Liberal art is a comprehensive program of study that allows individual students to pursue areas of study that interest them. Students can study the social sciences, art history, global or specialized history. For example, History, Literature, Linguistics, or foreign languages. With such flexibility, students seeking a liberal arts degree can develop a comprehensive understanding of topics of particular interest to them.

With a Bachelor in Liberal Arts, students can develop excellent debating and rhetorical skills. They can also achieve advanced written communication and interpersonal skills, which can be applied through various job opportunities.

The cost of a liberal arts degree varies. This depends on the school’s enrollment policies. Whether the institution is public or private, and where the school is located.

Employment opportunities for recipients of a liberal arts degree are vast and vary depending on each person’s area of ​​study. Graduates who studied linguistics or foreign languages ​​can find work with international companies as translators, transcriptionists, or proofreaders. People pursuing the social sciences can find work with healthcare organizations as researchers or consultants. Students who focused on history and culture may find valuable employment as cultural liaisons for companies conducting international business.

People interested in pursuing a Bachelor in Liberal Arts can find programs available both online and in-person at universities around the world.

Graduates of the Bachelor of Liberal Studies can work in the public, private and social sectors in the areas of consulting, research centers, managerial and decision-making space, information facilitators, research, project management, education.

What is the importance of art education?

During the first years of life, children naturally play sing, dance, and draw. Activities that are essential to developing the sensory, motor, cognitive, emotional, and, ultimately, brain systems, which allow children to learn.

The presence of art in education, through arts education, contributes to the integral and full development of children and young people. This is characterized by enriching and making a great cognitive contribution to the development of the abilities and skills of students. Such as entrepreneurship, cultural diversity, innovation, creativity, or curiosity.

The student’s artistic activity awakens his fantasy and his imaginative power; it leads to the appreciation of color and shapes, as well as the formation of personality, self-confidence, respect, and tolerance.

Drawing, painting, dance or theater, constitute a process in which the student gathers. It interprets and reforms the elements acquired by his experience. With this, we can know what the child feels, thinks, and sees. According to the writer David Rollano in his book “Plastic and Artistic Education in early childhood education. Development of creativity. Methods and Strategies”.

Objectives of art education:

There is a considerable degree of agreement among European countries on the main objectives of arts education. It is not surprising that all countries include artistic skills, knowledge, and understanding of young people in the development phase in their artistic curriculum.

Most also want their artistic curriculum to develop critical appreciation, understanding of heritage and cultural diversity, individual expression, and creativity (imagination, problem-solving, and risk-taking).

Other common goals are social skills, communication skills, enjoyment, engaging with a variety of artistic forms and mediums, acting / presenting, and environmental awareness.

However, there are a few differences between countries, with some having more types of objectives than others. Three objectives have been identified in less than half of the countries. Self-confidence/self-esteem, promoting lifelong learning through the arts, and identification of artistic talent.

In addition to the learning objectives that are identified as parts of the arts education curriculum. There are also objectives in the general curriculum that can be linked to arts and cultural education. Where countries have set goals for their overall curriculum. These generally include cultural and creative goals, especially creativity, learning about cultural heritage, and diversity. Also the development of individual expression.

After knowing what is art education, you must know the benefits that come along with art.

Benefits of art education:

Art education in schools helps children to get to know themselves better, express their inner world, and express their imagination and creativity. This education can be enjoyed in different ways such as painting, theater, dancing, drawing, or singing. In short, an activity that is related to the senses.

All schools, public or private, have among their subjects and among their extracurricular activities to provide arts education. Although they often pass as secondary subjects. The reality is that they are essential activities for the development of boys and girls. It offers numerous benefits in learning. If taught properly, students can make significant personal, academic, and social development.

Also, art education contribute to;

  • Reinforce the quality of learning.
  • Increase student enthusiasm and interest.
  • Artistic activities increase the perception of the environment and generate in the student flexibility of thought.
  • Generates security and autonomy in the student.
  • It offers the opportunity to explore imagination and the ability to function better in social settings.
  • By promoting teamwork, creates a better school environment among the students themselves and also with the teacher. Develop tolerance and empathy.
  • Art education helps activate many parts of the brain.

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What is Liberal Education?


What is Liberal Education?

What is Liberal Education?

What is liberal education mean?

Liberal education is understood as an education in the fundamentals. It implies a sufficiently complete approach to our cultural, intellectual, and moral heritage. It includes the development of broad frames of reference, respect for facts, skills to organize and use knowledge, of the spirit.

Liberal education is related to culture. The finished product of a liberal education is a cultivated human being. “Culture” comes from Latin. It means primarily agriculture. It is cultivating the soil and its products, caring for the soil, improving the soil according to its nature. “Culture” means, in a derivative form, nowadays mainly the cultivation of the mind. The care and improvement of the native powers of the mind by the nature of the mind.

Just as the soil needs those who cultivate it. Similarly, the mind needs teachers. But finding teachers is not as easy as finding farmers. The teachers themselves are disciples. But there cannot be a return to infinity: there must finally be teachers who are not themselves disciples.

Those teachers who are not themselves disciples are great talents. Also to avoid any ambiguity in such an important matter, the greatest talents. Such people are extremely rare. It is not likely that we will meet any of them in any classroom. It is very lucky if there is one of them alive at the same time as us.

In practice, disciples, whatever their degree of knowledge. They have access to teachers who are not themselves disciples. It is to the greatest talents, only through the most important books, the fundamental works.

Liberal education will consist, then, of studying with due care the fundamental works that the greatest talents have left behind. A study in which the more experienced disciples help the less experienced, even those just starting.

This is not an easy task, as we can see if we consider the formula I just mentioned. That formula requires a long comment. Many lives have been invested in writing such comments, and many more could still be invested.

For example, what does the statement that fundamental works should be studied “with due care” mean? At present, I will mention only one difficulty, obvious to all of you. The greatest talents do not tell us the same things concerning the most important subjects. The community of great talents is divided by discord, and even by various kinds of discord.

“Liberal education is education in culture.”

Apart from other consequences that this implies, it certainly follows that liberal education cannot be simply just information. I will mention yet another difficulty. “Liberal education is education in culture.” In what culture? Our answer is the culture in the sense of western tradition.

However, Western culture is only one among many cultures. By limiting ourselves to Western culture, are we not condemning liberal education to a certain small-town narrowness? And isn’t the village spirit incompatible with the liberalism, generosity, and broad-mindedness of liberal education?

Our notion of liberal education does not seem to fit an age conscious of the fact that there is no culture of the human mind. But a variety of cultures. If “culture” is capable of being used in the plural, it is not the same thing as “culture”. This can only be used in the singular. Today culture is no longer, as people say, absolute, but has become relative.

It is not easy to say what “culture” means insofar as it can be used in the plural. As a consequence of this obscurity, some have suggested, explicitly or implicitly too. That culture is any pattern of behavior common to any human group. Hence, we do not hesitate to talk about the culture of growths or the cultures of youth groups, both criminals and non-criminals. In other words, every human being who is not in a madhouse is a cultivated human being. Because he participates in a culture.

Why liberal education important?

Due to the different events in which legal professionals have been involved and, even more so, those who exercise a public function, such as the administration of justice. The country has questioned who is responsible for the lack of ethics with which lawyers govern their professional actions.

For one sector, the question centers on the education received by lawyers in university classrooms. For others, it is a slightly more complex issue that involves principles and values ​​that extend to the family. To primary and secondary schools and to society as a whole in which the individual perceives practices from their environment and, with the time. He apprehends them and becomes part of them.

It simply implies a sufficiently complete approach to our cultural, intellectual, and moral heritage. The development of broad frames of reference, respect for facts, skills to organize and use knowledge, critical spirit, and clear thinking. So, the answer to, what is Liberal Education?

According to the vision of Leo Strauss, liberal education is an education in culture or towards culture, while cultivating the intellect and improving its faculties.

In one way or another, liberal education aligns itself with a humanistic orientation. It is not simply – as some might interpret – an education focused on the humanities. But rather a broader approach to teaching than a purely instrumental one.

An approach that makes available to the new generations, to the subjects in training, that substantive and global vision. Plural and founded that provides the humanistic approach of the different basic knowledge and that allows the individual to be linked to a common cultural heritage. Also to a thought that facilitates even its criticism from the foundations contributed by that same tradition.

The social appropriation of liberal education is manifested in its appreciation and appreciation by society and that is translated into its political consideration. It constitutes the main fence that protects us against the threats of arrogant ignorance. It includes the weakening of the culture and the perverse effects of postmodernity.

However, in this as in other areas, the relationship between education and society is circular. So that society promotes and orders formal education and liberal education.

In turn, depending on how it has been modeled, conditions the social evolution that ends up operating on the orientation of education itself. This occurs in successive cycles, or iterations, that extend over different generations until collective behaviors are affected. Hence the decisive importance of success when it comes to influencing socially from education.


Eventually, the conclusion to, what is liberal education, is, in short, the approach of liberal education is essential to link the individual in training to a tradition of thought and culture. It is one’s own, to give personal stability, own orientation, intellectual autonomy, and a moral capacity that allows one to function.

Along with some guarantees, in this new context. Therefore, so uncertain in which life will take place. Existence; to provide with a conceptual base capable of enhancing intellectual resources and cognitive abilities in the application of knowledge to diverse contexts. It is helpful in improving cognitive skills that will enable one to work and develop the society in a better way.

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What Does Education Mean to You?

What Does Education Mean to You?

What Does Education Mean to You?

What Does Education Mean to You? Education means to learn and have enough exposure to talk about anything. This means to have knowledge about something and become a sophisticated person. It teaches you to live a moderate life with all mandatory norms. Education is necessary for everyone.

It is one of the important factors that have a great impact on people’s advancement and development. It also contributes to society’s progressive transformation. It enriches the values and enables people to understand the worth of their society and its human beings.

This is better for the development and to achieve better levels of social welfare and economic growth. It helps to level economic and social inequalities. Promotes the social mobility of people. Improves democratic advancement and the strengthening of the rule of law. Education is important for the promotion of science, technology, and innovation.

Education has always been important for development. However, it has acquired greater relevance in today’s world. It is experiencing profound transformations, motivated in part by the vertiginous advance of science and information technologies.

What is Education Reformation:

Educational reform is a modification, amendment, or update of the educational system of a nation to improve it.

The main objective of any educational reform is, of course, to improve the educational system. Either because it is considered that it is necessary to update the school curriculum, or because they want to modify methods or content. Also because they seek to implement a more effective educational system. The one that provides the culture and the right tools to young people for the future.

What is education reformation? In this sense, in current times, there have been multiple educational reforms aimed at including the internet and new information. Its emphasis on communication technologies as fundamental knowledge tools for recent times.

Educational reformation can be proposed by political factors. It depends on the legislation of each country. It must be subjected to a series of review and approval procedures.

What is National Education Association:

National Education Association is a set of people that include multiple educators in it. It is the group of teachers, students, and many other educational-related figures. Those people ensure the educational conduct and its reach to everyone in the country.

How are Education and Training Part of Economic Planning:

The societies that have advanced the most economically and socially are those that have managed to cement their progress in knowledge. Both that which is transmitted through schooling and that which is generated through research. On education, science, and technological innovation, depend, increasingly, economic productivity and competitiveness. Also, it is a good part of the social and cultural development of nations.

According to studies by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). An additional year of schooling increases the per capita GDP of a country by between 4 and 7% .1

Gone are the days when educational outlays were considered an expense. At present, knowledge constitutes a very productive investment, strategic in the economic and priority in the social.

In sum, education contributes to achieving more just, productive and equitable societies. It is social setups and their norms that make human beings freer. Vocational Training, which is set out in the General Education Law as an integral part of the educational system.

Although not like level, but with the degree level, participates in the general problem that today affects Education. It has its special difficulties that advise granting a different treatment. That is why it is convenient to start Exposing, even slightly in passing. The general scheme of this work, which is composed of four different parts, but is closely connected.

In the first place, they will be analyzed, very superficially. From then, the relationships that link Education and Vocational Training with economic growth. With the development and planning, highlighting the important role it plays today.

Then the importance of education in economic planning and social society. Stopping in the examination of the position that the Professional Training to start contemplating. The expectations that wait for this educational subsector in the development plan that will govern during the next four-year period.

Hence the question, what does education means to you? has an in-depth meaning it self. Education is the basic and foremost necessity to be attained. Also educational training has great importance in economic planning. It reflects on the do’s and don’ts to increase the economic rate of the country. That is how education and training part of economic planning.

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